
    Cloning and Bioinformatics Analysis of Trehalase Genes in Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley

    • 摘要:
      目的 海藻糖酶(Trehalase,Tre)是昆虫体内海藻糖代谢的关键酶,通过专一性地将海藻糖分解为葡萄糖,在昆虫能量代谢和生长发育中发挥着重要的作用。旨在克隆荔枝蒂蛀虫(Conopomorpha sinensisBradley)可溶型海藻糖酶基因(CsTre1)和膜结合型海藻糖酶基因(CsTre2),探讨其在荔枝蒂蛀虫不同发育阶段和不同组织中的表达模式,解析这2个基因及其酶蛋白的分子特征。
      方法 利用荔枝蒂蛀虫转录组数据和RACE技术,克隆CsTre1CsTre2的全长cDNA序列,并应用ORF Finder、ProtParam、SignalP 4.1、ProtScale、NetPhos2.0 Server和IQ-TREE等软件对其进行生物信息学分析;采用实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)分析CsTre1CsTre2在荔枝蒂蛀虫不同发育阶段及成虫不同组织的mRNA表达模式。
      结果 CsTre1的开放阅读框(ORF)长1 701 bp,编码566个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为64.53 kD。CsTre2的ORF长1 821 bp,编码606个氨基酸,蛋白分子量为69.08 kD。信号肽预测分析表明,CsTre1CsTre2前端均有1个信号肽,其位置分别为1-16和1-17。蛋白二级结构分析结果显示,二者均主要由α- 螺旋和无规则卷曲组成,CsTre1有24个Ser、15个Tyr、10个Thr可能成为蛋白激酶的结合位点,而CsTre2有27个Ser、10个Tyr、13个Thr可能成为蛋白激酶的结合位点。RT-qPCR结果显示,CsTre在荔枝蒂蛀虫的蛹和成虫期均有表达。在成虫期中,CsTre1的表达水平远高于CsTre2,且CsTre1在雄成虫第2 d和第5 d的表达水平陡然下降,在雌成虫中则保持稳定高表达。
      结论 该研究成功克隆了荔枝蒂蛀虫的2个海藻糖酶基因,其分子特征及表达模式结果表明,CsTre1可能是荔枝蒂蛀虫主要调控海藻糖代谢的基因。研究结果可为阐明海藻糖酶基因的功能提供重要线索,为开展害虫防治策略的研究奠定基础。


      Objective Trehalase (Tre) is a key enzyme in trehalose metabolism of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, which plays an important role in energy metabolism and growth development by specifically hydrolyzing trehalose into glucose. The study aims to clone two trehalase genes (CsTre1 and CsTre2) from Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley, to clarify its expression patterns in different developmental stages and tissues, and to analyze the molecular characteristics of the two genes and their enzyme proteins.
      Method Based on the transcriptome data of C. sinensis, the full-length cDNA sequences of CsTre1 and CsTre2 were cloned with the rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE)-PCR. Bioinformatics analysis was performed with software such as ORF Finder, ProtParam, SignalP 4.1, ProtScale, NetPhos2.0 Server and IQ TREE. The mRNA expression patterns of CsTre1 and CsTre2 in different developmental stages and tissues of C. sinensis were detected by using real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR).
      Result The open reading frame of CsTre1 was 1 701 bp, encoding 566 amino acids, and the protein molecular weight was 64.53 kD. The open reading frame length of CsTre2 was 1 821 bp, encoding 606 amino acids, and the protein molecular weight was 69.08 kD. Signal peptide prediction analysis showed that both front-ends of CsTre1 and CsTre2 had a signal peptide, with positions of 1-16 and 1-17, respectively. The analysis on the secondary structure of the sequence showed that both CsTre1 and CsTre2 were mainly composed of α-helix and random coil, CsTre1 had 24 Sers, 15 Tyrs, and 10 Thrs that may serve as binding sites for protein kinases, while CsTre2 had 27 Sers, 10 Tyrs, and 13 Thrs that may serve as binding sites for protein kinases. The RT-qPCR results revealed that CsTre was expressed throughout all developmental stages of C. sinensis. In the expression pattern of adult stage, the expression level of CsTre1 was much higher than that of CsTre2, and the expression level of male adults of CsTre1 dropped sharply after the fourth day.
      Conclusion The study successfully cloned two trehalose genes of Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley. According to the results of analysis on their molecular characteristics and expression patterns, CsTre1 may be the main gene regulating trehalose metabolism in Conopomorpha sinensis Bradley. The research results provide important clues for elucidating the function of trehalase genes, which lay a solid foundation for the development pest control strategies.


